probabilistic GMs includes BNs
node = random variable
edges = probabilistic dependency
GMs with undirected edges : Markov random fields
Markov blanket :
every node is only dependent on its parents, children and children's parents
- nodes
- directed edges : statistical dependence = "influence"
* each variable is independent of its non-descendents in the graph given the state of its parents.
* For discrete random variables, this conditional probability is often represented by a table, listing the local probability that a child node takes on each of the feasible values for each combination of values of its parents.
A Bayesian network B is an annotated acyclic graph that represents a JPD over a set of random variables V. The network is defined by a pair B =<G, θ>
G : Graph
θ : set of parameter ex) θxi|πi = PB(xi|πi)
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